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4、When I was a kid, I liked it, I liked it, and I took love, and I took it temporarily for a lifetime. This is naive.When growing up, I like love, love love, and take my life for a long time. This is missed.520, never miss you!

5、Meet you among tens of millions of people and meet you in the middle of ten million years. There is no early step, no late step, just catch up.


7、I want to tell you that you are all of me in my heart. I don't pray for you to treat me with the same love, I just want to have your comfort and understanding.

8、"520" I love you!Life is not stopped, love is the light of life, love is the direction of progress; love is an eternal belief.Let the endless love and tolerance accompany your life!





13、I found happiness, but sweet but left me; I found romance, warm but left me; I found happiness, but happiness left me; I found you, but I was surprised to find that they were allto be with you.520 I love you, I would like to stay with you and depend on each other!




17、I love you, I would like to pick the stars and the moon for you, see the red willow green, and ask for you to make a promise. It is my miracle of life.No matter how much it is promised, it is the truth. In this life, I will be unwavering for you. Dear, I love you.






23、Don't let me be lonely, don't give me loneliness, excessive loneliness and loneliness can make me endless sadness and grief.

24、I love you: spring breeze and bird's fragrance, Liu Feiyang; Xia Yang is like a lush and lush, full of lotus; autumn is high and fruits, Gui Flying Fragrance;Love is like four seasons, the earth is long and long!

25、Put your heart to you and love you for a lot of life; when we are old, we will accompany each other; send your thoughts every day, and keep in love with you; the sea and stones are still by your side; I am you forever, you are my love! Love!you!

26、The day of happiness is that you are accompanied by you, the troubles are never online; the sweet time is to hold you with your hands and meet happiness every day.5. 20 I love you, I hope you "eyebrows" every day, and the happiness will be connected every day!love you forever!

27、Perhaps I have no fanaticism, and there is no flowing feeling like flowing water. I only know that I love you and love you, do my best to do what you can .....

28、I love you all my life and I am not tired of 'flatness', care for you to never tired of 'health and peace', waiting for you to give up the "happiness and happiness", 5, 20 I love you, today I confessed to you, I wish you will never be discarded, I wish you wantYou are happy and beautiful.

29、Walking through the twists and turns, "only know the warmth of the family"; after the storm, "only to be considerate and the most true"; missing a lot, "only know how to cherish ownership";"".520 I love you!No regrets, life and death!



32、I have a small secret in my heart, do you want to know? Let the wind tell you quietly, I like you, I really like it.


34、如果愚人节都没有人给你表白的话,注定forever alone.




38、Fall in love for progress, unwilling to give up; fall in love with sincerity, and be inseparable from the situation of friends;520 I love you, I hope you can be happy, and the world is the first!





43、In fact, you are ugly, and people are not gentle; in fact, you are stupid, there is no sense of talking; in fact, you are stupid, do things, but I love you, the disadvantages are beautiful!5, 20 I love you, clear my heart, really love you!

44、Love you in your heart, your warmth is my thoughts; love you in every day, your figure is full of my sight; love you for a year, let the sea become mulberry fields, this heart is forever.5, 20 I love you, a heart that loves you, please learn from it!

45、The temperature of the palm is warm when holding your hand, because the blood is boiling; the smile in the corner of the mouth is pure when the heart is guarding, because the IQ becomes lower, huh, dear, 5, 20I love you, I hope you are happy every moment, happy and beautiful.


47、Don't be obsessed with me, don't regard me as all of you, don't make me the support of you, don't let me be spoiled by you, don't give me inexplicable and helpless heartbreak, don't.


49、The mood of acacia, such as the old trees in the desert, long for Ganquan and nourish my dry heart field; the wish of seeing each other, like the lone geese in the cold wind, looking forward to the fire charcoal, calling for my loneliness.520, I love you, I will give you the warmth of true love! Love you forever!




53、Don't promise me too much, don't insist on thinking about me, and avoid missing as a kind of beauty, and promise is not inadvertent. Do not make me feel that you are weak.

54、A caring heart, galloping to you; a persistent feelings, like shadows with shape; pursuing true love, I will be upset; adhere to the happy camp for you;Intersection





59、For so many years, I have been looking for ideal love, but no one can move me like you at the beginning, and it is more and more impressed.

60、Today is May 20, I want to send you 9 words: "No, far, one, change, love, me, life, forever, you".Can you send them back to me with a complete sentence?520, I love you.

61、You are the stars in my eyes, the brightest one, move my heart; you are the flowers in my heart, the most beautiful one, in the middle of my meaning;5, 20 I love you, dear wish you happy every day!



64、I love you, tell you in one sentence, do n’t say that you fall in love with you, the three lives are fortunate to know you, all the four seas are accompanied by you, the five lakes and four seas are available to you, the six gods are for you, and the seven things and eight things listen to you.Ninety "" loves you throughout your life!


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