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Face positive, so you meet with the health and nutrition in this.~~你关注类似的句子吗?下面是好词佳句网的编辑精心为你整理的“商品广告词英语摘录32句”,相信能对大家有所帮助。


1、Free (Yin) wife and mother - washing machine advertising

2、There is a wonderful heart inside it

3、taste on the outside, nutrition in it.

4、authentic flavor, authentic face.

5、Bai Yi (by) Baishun - irons advertising

6、You really have the best identification power of the British Royal candy company

7、There is a washing machine ad is a phrase to change the word: ”idle wife and mother.“

8、cough (carved) no delay - cough medicine ads

9、Lime plant: "from scratch."

10、In the ride (in) - horse racing / motorcycle advertising

11、”Nestle" resident in your heart. Nestle chocolate

12、Xiangxiang surface, face to face every day.

13、Dumpling shop: "all-encompassing."

14、burn (slightly) wins a chip - fast food restaurant advertising

15、Heart by the bath (desire) - water heater advertising

16、In the face of delicious nutrition, the heart is ready to make trouble.



18、Hong Kong cosmetics company's ad is: “as early as possible under the” spot “, do not” pox “to stay

19、As a key (see) do not “fight” do not know - printer advertising

20、Step to the stomach (place) - stomach medicine ads

21、boiled out of a good side, tune out the good taste, noodles or noodles is good.

22、Yi Yi (Yiyi) dismay - clothing advertising

23、Positive face a good gluten Road, meet the surface to eat all praise.

24、If she is still cold and cold, and may wish to send a box of savior chocolate try. Rescue the chocolate is only soluble in the mouth, insoluble in the hand. M & M's chocolate candy

25、Hong about a positive, incense with face to face.

26、There are mouth cup (monument) - alcohol advertising

27、Boulder (thing) of small, small stone (thing) of the - governance stone disease advertising

28、nutrition face to face, noodles soup is more fresh.

29、Do surface professional, a man in good faith.

30、Facade facade, your kitchen for nutrition.

31、Jindao good side, meet is positive.

32、Face positive, so you meet with the health and nutrition in this.


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