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It’s very kind of you.您太好了。希望您能从我们提供的信息中找到关于“表示感谢的简短句子英语”的答案,动听的句子语言美妙优美你最近有没有听到过这样的句子?社会信息爆炸人们的沟通变得更加频繁,我们也会收到来自朋友的或长或短句子,句子如同人生中的画面展现美好的生活。

1、Thank you so very much for your hospitality。非常感谢你的盛情款待。

2、Thanks for your support and guidance in this job.谢谢您在工作上给予我的支持和指导。

3、Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts。 The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey。 亲爱的老师,您就象那春天的细雨,滋润着我们的心田。您给予我们的爱和关怀将鼓舞着我们走过艰难困苦。

4、It was good (fine)(charming)(thoughtful)of you……承蒙好意(美意)(盛情)(关心)……

5、Thank you so much for your generous hospitality。非常感谢您慷慨的款待。

6、It's most thoughtful of you。您想得真周到。

7、I'm very much indebted to you。我非常感谢你。

8、Thank you for the gift。We appreciate your kindness and we shall always cherish this lovely gift from you。谢谢你馈赠礼品,我们感激你的盛情,永远珍爱你给我们的漂亮的馈礼。

9、It's generous of you to take so much interest in my work( to give me so much of your time) (to show me so much consideration).承蒙对我的工作如此操心(为我花费这么多时间)(对我如此关怀)。

10、It is a hopeless(definite)(positive)understatement to say that I am deeply (sincerely)(truly)grateful。这就是说“我深深的(真挚的)(真诚的)感谢”远不足以(不能确切)(不能明确)表达我的谢意。

11、I should like to say how grateful i am。我谨表示我深切的谢意。

12、There is nothing more important (satisfying) (gratifying) to me than to receive one of your letters。再也没有比收到您的来信更使我觉得重要(快慰)(感激)了。

13、Thank you for your delicious dinner.谢谢你美味可口的晚餐。

14、Thanks very much for you invitation。非常感谢你的邀请。

15、It is very good of you to give me the book。你真是太好了,给了我那本书。

16、It’s very kind of you.您太好了。

17、I do appreciate your timely help.我的确很感激您的及时帮助。

18、You couldn't have given me anything that I would enjoy more。你送给我的礼物真是让我太高兴了。

19、Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting (pleasant)(resultful).为了使我去纽约的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收获),您做了许多事,特此致谢。

20、Thank you again for your hospitality。再次谢谢你的热情款待。

21、On the journey of life you have kindled the light of hope for me to enrich my mind, add my wisdom to thank you! Teacher, I wish you healthy forever, happy, happy!人生旅程上您为我点燃希望的光芒丰富我的心灵,增添我的智慧 谢谢您!老师,愿您永远健康、愉快、幸福!

22、I should like to say how grateful i am for his invitation。他向我提供了消息,我表示深切的感谢。

23、Remembrance of things past, and so in the description, young age, is the teacher solemnly entrusted to us to correct deviation from the course, teacher solid hands Tuoqi our bright future。追忆似水年华,描述师生情深,在那青涩的年代,是老师郑重的嘱托为我们纠正了偏离的航向,是老师坚实的双手拖起我们灿烂的明天。

24、Your thoughtfulness has given me great joy。你的体贴关怀给了我巨大的欣慰。

25、I really don't know how a can thank you enough。我真不知怎样感谢你才好。

26、Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months。在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。

27、I’m much obliged.我非常感谢。

28、At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindneto me and for your compliments.首先,我要感谢您对我的友爱和问候。

29、I regret very much that I did not have an opportunity to thank you personally for ……未能面谢,深表遗憾。

30、I really can't thank you enough for the invitation。我对您的邀请真是感激不尽。


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