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my love for you makes waiting romantic.非常荣幸向您推荐好词佳句网小编整理的“英文誓言短句爱情”,有哪些特别受欢迎的爱情的句子呢?爱情就像天空中的彩虹五彩斑斓而又神秘,给了我力量和勇气让我变得更加坚强,用心感悟生活中的点滴你会发现更多的乐趣!


1、You didnt come back on time, and thats what parting means.

2、Youve never tamed her, shes only pulling her fangs away when she loves you.

3、Wake up in the morning and see you and the sunshine are there. Thats the future I want.

4、The wicked obey because of fear, and the good obey because of love.

5、Only because the meeting was so perfect that no one could get into the eyes.

6、懂得的人懂得放弃,真诚的人懂得牺牲,快乐的人懂得超然。对于那些不爱自己的人来说,他们最需要的是理解、放弃和祝福。过分放纵自己就是乞求施舍。爱和被爱是一件幸福的事。别让这变成痛苦。 我想要给你幸福,谁都拦不住!

7、Missing is like a river, flowing to the sea and my heart.

8、My world does not allow you to disappear, no matter whether the ending is perfect or not.

9、I will not ask you how you are in the future, I will accompany you to the old.

10、Travel all over the stars and you cant find a star brighter than you.

11、Every time I drink too much, I miss you very much. Later I found that I miss you very much.

12、The monkey in love is beautiful, and the deer in love is also a fairy.

13、The meaning of love is to help the other party improve, but also to improve themselves.

14、Ive been looking for it. When I find you, Ill find the whole world.

15、Love, until after injury is always sorry, even if you cant feel me.

16、A good way to cherish everything is to realize that you may lose it.

17、In fact, Ive been behind you all the time, and Im short of you.

18、Loyalty is the bridge of love, fraud is the enemy of friendship.

19、Man can not destroy love, nor can he be infatuated with love.

20、Love is more difficult to hide than a felony of murder; the night of love has the sun at noon.

21、Im not a gentle person, but Im willing to do everything gentle for you.

22、I am happy, because I love, because I have love.

23、I like you, just want to Kua Fu day by day, Jingwei reclamation, in order to achieve the goal will never change.

24、Meet is spring breeze ten li, originally is you. Love is long mountains and wide rivers, and finally you.


25、If I were a cat, I would like to live with you in nine lives.

26、Learn to love, learn to understand love, learn to be a happy person.

27、The first time I met you, like the breeze, like the warm sun, like a girls dream.

28、Feelings, is to put a person pure, warm in the heart!

29、The happiest thing is that the person you like likes you more than you.

30、my love for you makes waiting romantic.

31、Dont ask me if I can. You are the only one in my life.

32、A pair of shoes, less one is not worth money, so the other half is very important.

33、I love you, to let the sun and the moon shine happily. Love you, love you never change.

34、Love is a lovely tyranny, and lovers are willing to suffer from it.

35、Marriage is the most difficult love, because we must talk about it while eating bread!

36、Give me a lipstick and Ill give you a little bit every day.

37、My love for you is just like a tractor going up the mountain.

38、The future I want is to wake up every morning and see you and the sunshine.

39、If you can give me a future, then I will give you a lifetime of happiness.

40、You can call me an animal, but you cant say Im shameless. Animals also have dignity.

41、You love me most. I cant think when I say it, but after thinking about it, I still say it like this.

42、I dont want to hit the south wall. I want to bump into Mr. Zhangs chest.

43、I remember you said that no matter what the future, we should love each other forever.

44、Even if we cant live together, its good to meet you, know each other and love each other in this life.

45、For me, you are all the love of my life.

46、Without words, let me tell you with actions what love is.

47、I have stars and flames in my eyes, but without you. Because you are in my heart.

48、Because of your coming, Im going to run, quit smoking and work hard.


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