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1、The years went by, the truth in the; Thyme, isolation but constantly; It's a long night, the stars shone; Sincerely pray, about company.

2、Thank you for your concern, thank you for your help, thank you for everything I do. Any time, please accept my most sincere wishes!

3、感谢的话毋宁多言,总之,你是我一生的知己好友!thanksgiving day thank so rather say,a word,you are my lifelong friends and friends!

4、Very grateful to you, because you have been formally tolerance and promotion, is I in the company's performance today! Thank you very much.


6、am very grateful, every - it all depends on your support and love, here I sincerely hope that you and your company, achieve greater success.

7、i love to eat, so i love thanksgiving.我爱吃,所以我爱感恩节


9、Forward the new age, for jinbei spring with thousands of households, advancing with The Times He Feng years, laughter xi surplus thousands.

10、Your lead, and I grew up with wings of ideal. No matter how will tomorrow, or from the bottom of the heart say: thank you!

11、God safety is just the time, place and characters, and you let me experience all of life! Thank you for your love!

12、People who know how to be grateful are happy, because gratitude lets them know what is wonderful; A person who is always grateful is happy, because gratitude lets him know what life is. Thanksgiving, giving thanks to others will make you have a wonderful life.

13、for all the times I needed a shoulder to lean on.



16、Lazy to politely and said thank you, let's to which pinch of a meal in restaurant, front teeth, how?

17、If heart in, the dream is in, between heaven and earth and true love, the success or failure, bold in life, just start all over again, we wish you out of the life the trough.

18、may not be you the most excellent staff, and you are my most honored leaders, thank you for your care.


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