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1、她穿着一件粉红色的毛衣和一条蓝色的牛仔裤,她看起来真酷 She ________ a ________ sweater and a _______ of blue __________, She ________ _________ cool.

2、米莉的储物柜有什么? What______ Millie_______ in her locker?

3、The report mentioned that some important people had attended the closing ________.

4、Self-learning ability

5、他每天上几节课?7节 ________ ________ classes _______ he _________? Seven

6、Listen and read after the tape. (Pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.) and try to translate some important sentences into Chinese.

7、have a class outing 进行班级远足

8、A fair person treats everyone equally.(平等地对待每个人,一视同仁)


10、How did King Henry find out about the plot ??

11、教师准备一只时钟,将其拨至不同的时间,询问学生What’s the time? Can you …?引导学生根据具体时间考虑该做什么,提出建议You/We should …

12、The bus ___________ with the truck on the highway last night.

13、这是你家的一张全家福吗? 是 Is this a______ _____ your family? Yes, _______ ________.

14、A confident person feels sure about his own abilities.

15、go on an outing 去远足

16、Who else would be suitable (for the post)? 还有谁合适(这个职位)呢?

17、in the 1970s/1970’s


19、我可以把我的排球放在哪儿?_________ _________ I _______ my volleyball?


21、Income of the Board of Governors____.?

22、答案为B。own 尤指以法定权利拥有某物;embrace 表示“欣然接受”;compose 意为“创作(乐曲或诗歌)”,表示“由……构成”时,应用be composed of 这一表达;consist of 意思是“由……构成”。根据题意及各选项的用法,正确答案为B。

23、T: Ok, let’s look at the pictures. Please tell us what these are.

24、The team ________ twenty young people who were carefully chosen for the work.

25、At that time work was mainly ______ to slaves in that society.

26、我可以向你借一本英语书吗? Can I ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ you?

27、答案为D。second thoughts 意思是“(经重新考虑后)改变想法”。


29、答案为A。sovereignty 指“国家主权”;right 指“对某事物的正当要求,做某事的权利”,通常说right to sth./to do sth.;authority 指“权利,权威;职权,权限”,power 指“(人的) 能力,(生理或精神上的)能力;操纵力,影响力;职权,权势”。

30、make a kite 做风筝

31、Simon’s _________ was yellow and red.

32、周末我通常去跑步半小时。____ ____ ____ I usually ____ ____ ____ half _____ ______.

33、She has _________ a large sum of money from her father.


35、football field/pitch

36、be late for school 上学迟到

37、The manager has to be _________ because he could not keep his promise.

38、A) The woman should have complained to her neighbor.


40、Train cooperation study

41、Use the pictures on the screen to present some new words: the material of the clothes. (silk, cotton, leather, wool,)

42、You are the most suitable person.

43、The company is on the verge of bankruptcy ,and thousands of jobs are at ________.


45、The only thing is that David has much more hair than my uncle.




49、Why would anti-AIDS drugs stop working?

50、You will have success at school or work(学业有成,事业有成) around the middle of the month.(大约在本月中旬)


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